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Welcome to the Nedlands Toy Library

Nedlands Toy Library Building

Welcome to the Nedlands Toy Library – a not for profit, voluntary organisation run by its members. Although all age groups are welcome, we specialise in toys which are particularly suitable for young children between the age of 6 months to 6 years. We provide a large range of high quality and durable toys, games, puzzles, puppets and costumes which are available for borrowing by our members.

The Toy Library will close for stocktake in August, with the last day for toy returns on Saturday August 6th. All toys MUST be returned by the 6th. We will not be open again until Saturday August 20th. The stocktake is when we count all the toys and their parts. We check that the toys are in good order and retire any toys that have come to the end of their lifespan. 
It is a big job, and we would love to have some extra volunteers to help out! It can be done at a time that suits you between the 7th and the 18th. Please contact the Membership Coordinator at nedlandstoylibrary@gmail.com to let us know your intention to help.
New Financial Year Membership:
It is time to renew your membership for the new financial year. We are keeping our membership price of $60 for one child + $10 for each extra child. When you next visit the Toy Library, please bring along the correct cash so that we can renew your membership and you can continue borrowing.
New Toys:
We have new toys! Our purchasing officer has taken your suggestions on board and has had lots of fun buying $500 dollars worth of new toys. They will be making their way into the Toy Library over the next few weeks.
Here is a list of the new toys;
Wooden hammering toy
Bubble machine
Frozen Hopper Ball
TMNT Hopper Ball
Little Tikes Lawnmower x 2
Wooden fishing pole game
62 piece Magformers set
Target Toss Up game (wooden stand up board with targets on it for throwing rice bags at)
Sensory Blocks

The Toy Library relies on it’s members to volunteer so we can open twice each week; we require each family to do at least 4 shifts per membership year. As it is the start of the new membership year I require everyone to sign up for shifts in July, August and September. Put your name on the calendar when you are next in, or email the Membership Coordinator with your preferred date. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up. 
At the AGM at the end of last year many committee members gave notice that they intended to retire from the committee (after serving for many years), and handed their roles to new volunteers. They have generously stayed on the committee for the past 6 months to help guide the new committee, and we thank them for their help during the transition.
The new committee is small, with several members taking on multiple roles. We would really benefit from a few more members joining, to help share the load and bring in new ideas. There are some perks to being on the committee! If you are interested, or would like some more information about what being on the committee involves, please reply to this email.
General news:
The Nedlands council replaced the Toy Library lock a few months ago. New keys cost us $80, and this cost will be passed on to any member who loses the key. When you are responsible for the key, please return it promptly.

Toys Range

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